
As stated in Vision, Peach Coin believes in innovation and technology to solve problems we collectively face, for the benefit of the future.

We will take an active role into looking to the future and contributing toward adult entertainment including technology, utilities, projects, events or other industrial assets, via the Peach Coin’s Launchpad function.

Peach Coin will utilize the experience and expertise of its members to accelerate these projects through mentorship, resources, funding and networking opportunities, to ensure the best possible chance of swift growth and deployment of their products, services and solutions.

Startups, companies and projects who innovate originally in solving a collective problem tend to become valued highly in monetary terms as a consequence, and Peach Coin will offer its participants first rights to get in on the ground floor and invest in companies on its Launchpad programme in their starting rounds.

Using this approach, the Peach Coin community can utilize its unique advantages and the expertise of its members to contribute toward a better future, whilst also striving toward its vision to assist with and contribute to the individual & collective prosperity for its participants.

Last updated